Friday, May 29, 2009

Temper's Game Room

This is where I play games and watch movies. In many ways, it is my personal research and development facility.

It is decked out with a Sony Bravia projector, 92” FireHawk projector screen, Genelec speakers (5.1 surround sound), 6 leather incliners and my PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii systems.

It is my man cave, my sanctuary and the only room in the house that I like to think is my own.

First blog post and a brief introduction.

I have dedicated more than a decade of my life to working in the video game industry. And for most of my life, I have played games. It is something I thoroughly enjoy doing and honestly I can’t envision what I would do if it wasn’t this.

A great song and video by Twisted Sister once said, “What do you want to do with your life?”

The answer was, “I wanna rock!”

I had a similar experience (albeit not as cool)…

My mother said something that was close to that when I was just a kid. Unfortunately, I never had a response like, “I wanna make games!” At the time, I didn’t even know it was a possible career choice. Looking back on it now, I guess I should have said something like that guy in the video, but as you can tell from this post, I just ended up doing it with my actions instead of my words.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts on the video games that I play, my experiences as a video game developer and the industry in general.

Welcome to my blog.